Arcturian Wisdom: If We Gave You a Hammer, What Would You Build?

Last week, I had one of those Spiritual Life Coaching sessions that stays in your mind long after it’s over. My client, someone beautifully open to exploring the supernatural, came to the session with a deep desire to connect with higher light beings. They had experienced glimpses of these presences in their life, and their curiosity was as expansive as the universe they longed to understand—a sentiment I deeply resonated with, given my own journey.

Going into the session, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect (because, let’s be real, the spiritual world loves to surprise us). But as a psychic medium and spiritual life coach, I’ve learned to roll with the unexpected. And let me tell you, this session? It absolutely blew me away.

When my client and I began to start the session, I felt this incredible, high-vibrational energy enter the space behind me. It was so strong that my body reacted right away—my posture shifted, and I felt this deep warmth and strength wash over me. It’s hard to put into words, but it was like I was blending with something so powerful yet so gentle at the same time. I didn’t know exactly what or who it was at first, but as the session unfolded, they revealed themselves as an Arcturian.

I’ll admit, I don’t dive too deeply into researching Arcturians, Pleiadians, or other high-vibrational beings. I know of them, the names, but prefer to keep my channeling as clear and uninfluenced as possible. (Maybe that’s a little naïve, but I like to think it helps keep my human ego out of the way. And to be honest, I kind of love the surprise and beauty of it when it happens.)

What struck me most wasn’t just the presence of this incredible light being (which was, let’s be honest, pretty amazing)—it was the message they brought. They deeply understood my client’s longing to connect, their curiosity about the secrets of the universe, and the excitement they felt about communicating on the level they were seeking. But then they completely flipped the script with a question so simple and profound, it almost broke my link in pure awe:

“Beyond the experience and the entertainment value of connecting with us, what would you do with the wisdom and knowledge we share? Think of it this way: if we gave you a hammer, what would you build?”

Oof, that question hit me right in the heart. It wasn’t meant to diminish my client’s curiosity or passion; instead, it was a gentle nudge toward reflection. Spiritual connections beyond the veil, aren’t just about the wow factor. They’re about the why.

The light being explained it perfectly. If they handed over a tool—a hammer, a piece of knowledge, or a moment of connection—it was up to us to decide how to use it. Are we building something meaningful? Are we growing? Are we contributing to the greater good?

One of the most incredible takeaways from this session was the reminder that relationships—whether with people, spirits, or higher beings—require both investment and surrender. It’s not enough to simply want a connection; we need to approach it with humility and authenticity. Even though my client was open to both the investment and the surrender, the questions posed by the light being required real contemplation.

As more questions unfolded, this light being made it abundantly clear in the most loving way: they don’t really need us to connect with them. They choose to. And in that choice, they’re seeking a relationship built on more than what we often can recognize within ourselves.

After the session, I couldn’t stop thinking about that question in relation to my own life of service: If we gave you a hammer, what would you build?

It really is such a simple yet hit you over the head reminder to reflect on how we use the tools we’re given. Spiritual journeys are full of gifts—insights, connections, and moments of clarity. But they’re only as valuable as what we choose to do with them.

It makes you ask yourself: What are you building? Maybe it’s a stronger sense of self, a deeper connection to others, or even a platform to share your truth. Whatever it is, it must come from a place of love, intention, and service—and this is exactly where my client’s heart was, wanting to build something meaningful from that very space.

I’ll be honest—this session was as much a learning moment for me as it was for my client. It reminded me why I love this work so much. Every reading, every connection, every session pushes me to grow, to stretch my understanding, and to serve in new ways.

At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Spiritual growth isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about asking the questions, staying open, and using what we’ve been given to make a difference.

A Final Thought: If you were given a hammer, what would you build? Take a moment to sit with that question. Let it guide you toward your own “why.” And remember, the tools we’re handed are only the beginning—it’s what we create with them that truly matters.


The cost of fitting in & breaking old cycles

This morning, I found myself reflecting on a conversation I had the other day, where I tried to fit in by venting about a frustrating situation. In the moment, it felt easier to just let it all out—something we all do from time to time. But afterward, I couldn’t shake how I felt about my participation in the conversation. I didn’t like it. This wasn’t who I am.

While I understand that I’m human and deserving of grace, I also realized something profound: solutions often live in the world of acceptance. They emerge when we hit that internal pause button, especially when we find ourselves caught up in throwing more wood on the fire, instead of being the positive force of self-restraint, even in the smallest of moments.

Accepting a situation for what it is doesn’t mean giving up or ignoring your feelings. It means recognizing that some things are beyond our control and choosing how we respond to them. When we do that, we shift from reacting to reflecting, creating space for clarity and growth.

This moment reminded me that my self-awareness is truly a gift. Even when we stumble, each realization brings us closer to our best selves, and I’m so grateful for it. Growth doesn’t mean perfection—it means choosing to learn and move forward, one step at a time.

The hidden grief behind our personal growth

I recently came across a quote by Té V Smith that said, “No one warns you about the amount of mourning in growth,” and it really hit home for me. Looking back on the peaks and valleys of my own journey, I realize just how true this is. Personal growth is often seen as something positive—
an exciting journey toward becoming the best version of ourselves. But after reading that quote, I felt it was important to talk about the part of growth that we don’t discuss enough: the mourning that comes with it.

As we pour time and energy into self-care, self-love, and self-worth, we naturally evolve. And with that evolution comes the release of old habits, shifts in our relationships, and versions of ourselves that no longer serve us. This process can definitely feel like a form of loss, and with it comes grief.

The spiritual journey is often portrayed as a path of light, peace, and harmony, and while that’s true, I believe the shadow parts of ourselves play an even greater role in helping us find that peace and harmony—it’s the darkness before the dawn, if you will. When we transition from one chapter of our lives to another, it can feel like letting go of the parts of ourselves we’ve clung to for comfort. Some of these parts have been with us for so long that it feels almost impossible to imagine life without them. Letting go can stir deep emotions, often bringing to the surface feelings we had buried, brushed under the rug or thought we had moved on from—without realizing there was more work to do.

When these emotions resurface, what I call ‘the pits of despair’ within myself can set in. There have been multiple times when I couldn’t stop crying for hours. And those in my inner circle know I’ve referred to it as the “Angelique Pity Party.” Maybe I’m being hard on myself in those moments, but that’s part of the process too. Feeling all the doom, gloom, and “why mes” can crack you open, as if you’re standing at the doorway to your soul, realizing, “Okay… it’s time to go.” You can’t hold on to this anymore if you want to move forward. And those tears, well, they become the beginning of transformation, of mourning. That’s how it’s been for me, and it’s something I’ve heard others talk about and go through as well.

But the mourning isn’t a sign of weakness or failure. It’s proof of the depth of the transformation we’re experiencing. It takes true courage to let go of the parts of ourselves that no longer serve us—the stuck parts or the pieces of our lives that just don’t fit anymore. While growth involves mourning, on the flip side, it brings resilience, wisdom, and a deeper connection to ourselves. Every time we release something that no longer serves us, we create space for new opportunities, healthier relationships, and the big one—more self-awareness. You find yourself in a state where you become “the forever student,” constantly evolving, and that’s something worth celebrating.

It’s important to remind ourselves that it’s okay to mourn our past, to feel the depth of that loss, but also to not lose sight of the beauty in what’s unfolding. Our spiritual journey is one of constant renewal. As my spirit guides once said to me, “Your awakening, my love, does not come but once. This is the path of many roads, many mountains. What you seek has never been lost, but the length of your journey to discover this, my dear, is completely up to you.” Powerful words I’ll never forget.

For those of you on the path of personal growth, know that you are not alone! Every soul experiences this duality—the grief of letting go and the joy of stepping into something new. Trust that your growth is unfolding as it’s meant to, even when it feels difficult. You have the courage and strength to navigate these changes and emerge more empowered, more aligned with your truest self.

Remember, the mourning is temporary, but the growth is eternal.

No Going Back: Choosing Peace, Love, and Joy

There comes a time in each of our lives when everything we’ve ignored or brushed under the rug rises to the surface, demanding our attention. For me, that time came while standing at a clear crossroads—uncomfortable, unhappy, and feeling utterly stuck. You might often hear me mention that one meditation class that changed everything. I entered seeking peace of mind, yet I left with a profound reawakening to myself and the spirit world. That moment marked both the beginning and the end of my 16-plus-year marriage, serving as a pivotal turning point not only in my relationship but also in my personal and spiritual journey.

For years, I played the role of the fixer—non-confrontational and without any clear boundaries. I contorted myself into various shapes to make things work, all the while losing touch with who I truly was. I became like a doormat, hoping that eventually someone would recognize my worth. In the process, I buried my true self, and it weighed me down like a heavy cloak. I was like an ostrich, hiding my head in the sand, avoiding the truth. Looking back now, I can say, “Yes, I knew the truth, but I wasn’t ready to face it.” And for that, I extend myself grace, recognizing that I did my best given where I was on my journey. But, oh, that meditation class was the crack that opened a deeper connection to myself and the universe. It was time for transformation.

Spiritual awakenings are intensely personal and unique to each of us; they don’t follow a set plan or schedule. For me, it felt like shedding layers of skin, reminding me of the symbolism of a snake and its transformative meaning—something I shared in my last blog post. Over time, I’ve witnessed different versions of myself emerge. Up until my forties, I realized I had been fearless in many areas of my life, except in my relationships. I navigated through life absorbing everyone else’s challenges but was too afraid to make significant changes within myself. So, when my awakening struck, it felt like running into a wall. All the things I had tolerated or ignored became impossible to unsee.

My self-worth began to come alive, but it didn’t happen overnight. It felt like stepping into a new body and way of thinking, forcing me to unlearn everything I had known. The clarity was undeniable: I couldn’t continue living as I had before.

At 43, I embarked on a wild, beautifully twisting journey, and now, in my late fifties, I’m beginning to truly understand the art of self-love. But let me be honest—self-love isn’t about reaching a magical endpoint. It’s a significant shift for sure, but it’s an ongoing journey. Every time I think I’ve got it figured out, another layer of growth emerges, reminding me that this path is continuous—and I am incredibly grateful for it.

What I’ve learned over the years is that every person we meet acts as a mirror, reflecting back parts of ourselves—whether they show us kindness, indifference, or even cruelty. The important question to ask ourselves is always, “How am I showing up for myself in these situations?” The people we surround ourselves with either enhance our journey or detract from it. Today, I don’t even question this; it took a long time and hard work to evaluate my choices and opt for those who uplift me, aligning with the peace, joy, and happiness I want in my life. For those of us who have experienced a lifetime surrounded by a sea of negative influences, this was no small feat.

Of course, my internal fears and triggers haven’t disappeared. They still exist, but instead, I face them, take them by the hand, and guide them into the light alongside me. They’re part of my journey too, and embracing them has helped me grow in ways I never thought possible.

Loving ourselves means continuously showing up for ourselves, making choices that reflect our true values, and acknowledging that this journey is ongoing. Every encounter and relationship—whether loving or challenging—serves as a reflection of our inner world, challenging us, teaching us, and fostering our growth.

Our individual awakenings are processes that aren’t always easy; that’s an understatement. But if you asked me whether I would change it, my answer would be an automatic no. With every choice, I find myself moving closer to the version of me that is aligned with happiness. There’s no going back from that.

Each step we take toward self-discovery is a gift to ourselves, and it’s worth it—we are worth it. When we learn to trust the process, practice patience, and allow ourselves to be open to our own personal growth, we begin to connect with our authentic selves. We are all on this crazy ride together. Why not let it empower you?!

Dreams of Snakes: Uncovering Hidden Messages and Uncoiling Fear

The symbolism of the snake often represents a multitude of meanings, ranging from fear to enlightenment. It’s a creature that both frightens and fascinates us. In my dream last night, it was definitely a mix of both, as I found myself observing and experiencing what happens when we face fear head-on. Instead of running, I felt frozen in time—paused, reflective, and curious.

We’ve all experienced moments in life where fear grips us—times when it feels like we’re being suffocated by the weight of our own uncertainties, challenges, or past decisions. It’s in these moments that we can feel like we’re standing on the edge of the unknown, unsure if the next step will lead to safety or even deeper into the shadows.

In the dream, a massive yellow cobra appeared in my peripheral vision, coiling and lifting its head. As it neared, it wrapped itself tighter around me, and my instinct was to panic. Fear of being poisoned, suffocated, or consumed surged through me. But something unusual happened—I felt calm. Laughing now, out of the dream state, I thought I could sense the snake’s cleverness, as if I were predicting its next strategic move—like eating me! But instead, in its stillness, I found its face next to mine, and my fear stood still. In that moment, I realized this wasn’t just about the snake—it was about me. It was a reflection of my inner world, my worries, my insecurities.

I found myself desiring peace—not just survival from the snake, but peace within myself. My mind drifted into a space of deeper understanding—a realm where fear wasn’t an enemy but a guidepost to something greater. The snake, in this light, symbolized the very challenges I’d been facing lately, but it also revealed the strength I had in confronting them.

At that moment, I knew that facing the snake was part of my growth—and this was turning out to be a pretty interesting dream. Even if it led to the end of something—a “death” of sorts—it would only be the shedding of old skin (pun intended), a release of outdated fears that no longer served me.

Then, a presence entered. It wasn’t something I saw with my eyes, but something I felt—a calming and powerful energy, a spirit. The word “king” came to my consciousness, reminding me that I am protected and watched over. With that realization, the serpent, once a symbol of fear, slithered away. I was left standing, unharmed, empowered, and safe.

In spiritual traditions, snakes have long symbolized transformation and wisdom. Their ability to shed their skin makes them a powerful reminder that we, too, can release what no longer serves us and step into new versions of ourselves. The fears we encounter in life are often reflections of our own insecurities or unresolved emotions. When we look at them with curiosity instead of dread, they offer profound insights.

In moments of uncertainty, we often feel powerless, but it is in those moments that we have the greatest opportunity to connect with our inner strength. The key is to sit with the discomfort and allow fear to be a teacher, rather than an obstacle.

It made me reflect on the internal “snakes” in my life. Are there fears or challenges that I’ve been avoiding? Where are the opportunities for growth? These are questions I constantly ask myself. And what a beautiful message, delivered through dreams, to bring awareness that when we feel fear coiling around us, we should take a moment to pause. Breathe. Reflect. What is this moment trying to teach us about ourselves?

Is that inner strength—our inner “king,” our higher consciousness—wanting to guide us through? The journey of spiritual growth isn’t about avoiding challenges, but about facing them with courage, knowing that each one brings us closer to our truest self.

The most profound transformation happens when we stand in the presence of our fears, look them in the eye, and say, “I see you, but I will not be ruled by you.”