Who's Driving? Lessons from a dream, symbols about transportation & choices

I’ve likely mentioned in past posts that I’ve always been a lucid and vivid dreamer. For years, I’ve journaled about dreams that have guided me in ways that I can hardly put into words. These dreams have come as messages from my spirit guides, my higher self, and visitations from loved ones. Last night, I had a dream that woke me up with an undeniable urge to write it all down and share.

This dream, like many before it, featured the usual suspects of symbols that often appear on my journey: cars, the ocean, mountains, and even the sensation of salt on my skin. As anyone who journals their dreams might notice, there are recurring symbols—much like in my mediumship readings—each layered with meaning. For me, modes of transportation—cars, buses, boats, planes—serve as metaphors for life’s journey. They hold clues to how I’m navigating life at the moment. Locations also carry significance: near water, I know it’s about my emotions; in the mountains, it’s often about the challenges I’m facing.

Last night, I dreamed of two cars, both filled with luggage—none of it mine—representing the emotional baggage of others. I wasn’t driving either car but found myself along for the ride. The message felt clear: others are on their own journeys, and I need to let go of carrying what isn’t mine.

That realization got my brain spinning. What actual worries or challenges in my waking life am I carrying that aren’t mine? To some people, this might seem like a lot of effort to metaphorically unpack a dream. But as I mentioned earlier, my dreams have always been incredibly insightful. If I’m remembering small details from each scenario, there’s a reason for it. It’s worth sharing, and maybe those reading this can relate or gain insight into their dreams as well.

Dream Interpretation 101: Here’s how I interpreted some of the symbols in my dream:

Cars: For me, cars have always represented life’s journey, so it’s important to pay attention to the details: Who’s driving—you or someone else? Are you arriving at a destination? Is the car working properly, or are you lost and struggling to get there? These questions often remind us to take back the wheel in life if we’re just passengers, or to acknowledge challenges when we’re feeling stuck.

Luggage: This is a recurring visual in both my dreams and my psychic sessions. My spirit guides often use luggage to represent worries—either our own or those of others. I often ask clients, “Are you carrying someone else’s worries like rocks in your backpack?” Last night’s dream blended past and present energy, making me question how much of what I was carrying truly belonged to me.

The Mountains: I couldn’t help but think of the book The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest. For me, mountains symbolize challenges—those uphill climbs we often avoid or feel unprepared to face. They can feel isolating, just as I felt last night when trying to find my way home. But they also represent growth, resilience, and the strength to find solutions on your own.

The Ocean: Water often symbolizes our emotional state, and although the ocean appeared only briefly in my dream, it carried significant meaning. I was covered in salt that needed washing off—a sign of healing and cleansing. It felt like a reminder to release what doesn’t belong to me and embrace vulnerability—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This dream reminded me that life is full of choices. Sometimes, we’re along for the ride in someone else’s car, carrying their baggage, and wondering why we feel stuck. Other times, we’re standing at a crossroads, unsure of how to get home. In these moments, the dream seems to say: trust yourself. Let go of what doesn’t belong to you, take the wheel, and embrace your unique path.

There’s no right or wrong way to navigate life, but we do need to honor our own journey. It’s okay to part ways with people, habits, or situations that no longer align with where we’re headed. And when the road gets tough, know that every challenge holds the potential for growth and clarity.

So, if you find yourself waking up with a vivid dream, don’t brush it off. Write it down, reflect on its symbols, and see what messages it holds for you. The answers might just guide you home.

When Change disrupts your comfort zone

There’s one thing we’ll always find on our journey, no matter how much we try to avoid it, is change. Some changes we can control and manage, and others…not so much.

For example—I love rearranging the furniture in my living room or bedroom every now and then. There are really only two ways to move things around because of the space and scale of my furniture, but that tiny shift feels new. It’s energizing. It shifts my mindset.

Then there are the weekends when I decide to try a new hiking trail or take some photos at a spot I’ve never been to before. That little invitation to explore something different is so good for the soul, isn’t it?

But not all changes come wrapped in a bow of excitement. Sometimes, life throws in an unexpected curveball: an illness, a career hurdle, financial stress, family dynamics, relationships, etc... And suddenly, it’s not about rearranging furniture—it’s about rearranging your heart, your mind, and your ability to adapt.

For me, it’s so easy to get caught up in the imbalance of it all. I’ll admit, I’ve gotten better over the years—age does bring wisdom—but patience still isn’t exactly my strong suit. When life feels overwhelming, I often find myself wanting to fix things, to make sense of what feels messy.

But here’s the lesson I’ve learned—one I’m still learning: not every change is meant to be fixed or figured out. Some changes are about letting go. About hitting the pause button, taking a deep breath, and sitting with whatever is happening, even if it feels uncomfortable.

I feel like a broken record if I’ve mentioned this before, but if I’m being honest, it’s advice that often sits on my shoulder, whispering in my ear: letting go doesn’t mean giving up. It means creating space for peace, even when life feels chaotic. It’s about trusting that every shift, even the hard ones, carries something valuable. Sometimes it’s a lesson in resilience; other times, it’s a reminder that we’re stronger than we think.

I’ve learned that change—whether it’s something as simple as moving a couch or as profound as facing the unknown—has the power to transform us. I once listened to a podcast where actor Matthew McConaughey shared an analogy about the colors of a stoplight. He explained that if life were all green lights, with no hardships, no challenges, no “change,” or introspection, then what would it all be for? We need the yellows and reds, too.

I might be veering off topic a bit, but his analogy feels so relevant to change. Those pauses and stops—those moments of uncertainty or struggle—are what help us evolve. It’s where growth happens. It’s where we learn to loosen our grip on the things we can’t control and start embracing what is.

So, here’s a gentle nudge for us: when change knocks, let’s answer with curiosity. Let’s ask ourselves, “What can this teach us? How can this moment serve our growth?” Even when it feels uncomfortable, even when we don’t have all the answers.

Every change, whether small or life-altering, is shaping us. It’s helping us align with our highest selves, one step at a time. And in those moments when it feels overwhelming, let’s remind ourselves that we’re not alone. My favorite go-to reminder? You’ve got this.

The cost of fitting in & breaking old cycles

This morning, I found myself reflecting on a conversation I had the other day, where I tried to fit in by venting about a frustrating situation. In the moment, it felt easier to just let it all out—something we all do from time to time. But afterward, I couldn’t shake how I felt about my participation in the conversation. I didn’t like it. This wasn’t who I am.

While I understand that I’m human and deserving of grace, I also realized something profound: solutions often live in the world of acceptance. They emerge when we hit that internal pause button, especially when we find ourselves caught up in throwing more wood on the fire, instead of being the positive force of self-restraint, even in the smallest of moments.

Accepting a situation for what it is doesn’t mean giving up or ignoring your feelings. It means recognizing that some things are beyond our control and choosing how we respond to them. When we do that, we shift from reacting to reflecting, creating space for clarity and growth.

This moment reminded me that my self-awareness is truly a gift. Even when we stumble, each realization brings us closer to our best selves, and I’m so grateful for it. Growth doesn’t mean perfection—it means choosing to learn and move forward, one step at a time.

Your future is closer than you think: insights from Meditation

In the summer of 2011, my life shifted in ways I could never have imagined. It was the start of my meditation journey, a journey that would awaken my consciousness and open the door to a world far greater than myself. Looking back now, 13 years later, I’m struck by how profoundly I’ve changed—how much I’ve grown spiritually, emotionally, and in my daily life.

This morning, while scrolling through my phone (a habit I know I need to rein in), I stumbled upon a video on manifestation. The idea of pulling energy from 15 years into the future and anchoring it into your present reality captured my attention. Manifestation has always been a pretty strong suit of mine—checking off goals and dreams with what often felt like, Okay, I’ve got this. But this concept of working deeper with quantum energy stirred something within me, and I’m not sure I’ll even scratch the surface in this blog post. But, I do think it’s important to share what came through in my meditation.

As I meditated, I asked, How can I bring my future into my present with ease? The answer that came through was swift and clear: “The future is now.” At first, I could rationalize the idea in my mind. Okay, I get it. We are living in the past, present, and future simultaneously. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this message—something just beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered. What was I missing?

 A Vision Revisited: The Desert and the Sand

Meditation has always been a space where I receive insights, and today was no different. As I sat with the phrase “the future is now,” a vision unfolded. At first, I envisioned myself doing readings full-time—my calendar fully booked, being of service, and helping many people. This was what I was hoping to see. But instead—or perhaps in addition—I saw myself lecturing in front of a crowd, something I’ve always fiercely feared.

It was a far cry from the terrified person I thought I was, remembering a time when I needed to borrow half a Valium from a friend (yes, I was that nervous and desperate) just to speak on stage in front of a small crowd of people at a work meeting, fearing I might pass out or throw up. Yet what struck me wasn’t just the vision itself; it was what followed.

I suddenly saw soft sand running through my fingers, which triggered a memory from the summer of 2011—the very beginning of my meditation practice. I had attended a meditation class with my mentor, a psychic medium, who spoke about Christ consciousness during a morning chat before class. Back then, I didn’t fully understand energy, guides, or spiritual growth. But several months later, during another meditation class, the subject was briefly brought up again, and I didn’t think much about it. But, when I sat in meditation, an energy surrounded me that was so incredibly warm it felt like I was sitting in front of a fire—comforting yet really powerful.

In a quick flash, I had a vision of Jeshua (Jesus) standing silently beside me in a vast desert. He gestured toward the horizon, sweeping his arm from left to right multiple times, as if to say, “Look.” At the time, I didn’t understand the vision’s significance. Today, I finally get it. Laughing out loud.

Needless to say, whether I understood the message 13 years ago or not, I cried like a baby. Tears poured down my face from the power behind such an incredibly beautiful ascended master. All I can think as I’m typing this now is, How sci-fi is this ride I’m on?

I’ll admit, I had to look up the meaning of the desert and sand this morning, thinking, Why didn’t I do that 13 years ago? But before I did, my guides asked me to first discover what it meant to me first. The words unknown, resilience, opportunity, future not realized, spiritual testing, looking inward, growth, and divine guidance popped into my mind. It felt in sync with the researched meaning of both the desert and the sand, which hold deep spiritual significance. The pieces of the puzzle began to unfold:

The Desert: A place of spiritual growth, testing, and solitude. It invites us to strip away distractions and focus on what truly matters.

The Sand: A reminder of time, impermanence, and the importance of letting go. Just as sand slips through our fingers, life flows in ways we cannot control.

When Jeshua gestured toward the horizon, he was inviting me to expand my awareness—to look beyond the immediate and trust in the unfolding of divine timing. Now, with the sand running through my fingers, I fully understand the message: the future is not something “out there”; it’s something we create and embody in the present moment.

Talk about divine timing—learning the meaning behind a vision 13 years later. Mind blown. You can’t make this stuff up.

Manifestation isn’t about force or striving; it’s about aligning your energy with your vision and letting it unfold naturally.

Here are a few takeaways from this morning’s meditation in manifesting that I pulled from the experience

Embrace the Now “aka the future is now” Start by grounding yourself in the present moment. Ask, What do I want my future to feel like? Then, bring that energy into your day-to-day actions.

Let Go of Control Just as sand slips through your fingers, release the need to control every outcome. Trust that the universe is working in your favor.

Take Inspired Action Manifestation isn’t passive. Take small steps that align with your vision, but let them be guided by intuition rather than fear or pressure.

Be Open to Growth Fear often accompanies growth. My vision of lecturing reminded me that the things we resist are often where our greatest growth lies. Ugh, right?!

Thirteen years ago, I couldn’t feel the energy of Christ consciousness. I was the first year student, overwhelmed, curious and unsure. Today, I can look back and see how every moment—every struggle and triumph—was part of the journey to understanding.

How beautiful. That vision of the desert reminded me of how all the dots I’ve needed to connect for learning and growth over the years have come together. The sand running through my fingers teaches us to surrender, and the presence of Jeshua in the vision is a reminder to trust the divine guidance within and around me. And this morning, I was reminded that the future isn’t something we chase; it’s something we embody.

So, if you’re holding on too tightly or waiting for the “perfect moment,” let this be your invitation to let go. Your future is now. Trust it. Live it. BE it.

False doors and open hearts

In a world where we often carry the weight of our past wounds, it’s easy to believe that our worth resides in the hurt we’ve endured. We find ourselves standing at a false door—a barrier created to protect our hearts but one that keeps us from truly seeing the depth of our potential and desires.

The path to self-discovery calls for balance and harmony with both our past and present. To grow, we must learn to walk away from the pain that no longer serves us, placing self-forgiveness at the forefront and releasing what binds us to the stories of who we once were.

We build walls around our hearts, thinking we’re shielding ourselves from harm. But these walls do more than protect—they isolate. While we may keep hurt out, we also block love, opportunity, and truth from coming in. Our journey is not about avoiding pain but about courageously facing it, knowing we are strong enough to endure and heal.

Harmony comes from understanding that our past does not define our worth. Every experience—joyful or painful—has shaped the incredible beings we are today. By reflecting on past experiences rather than clinging to them, we create space for new opportunities to flow into our lives.

When we stop guarding our hearts so fiercely, we begin to see clearly what we truly desire. Whether it’s love, purpose, or a deeper connection to our intuition, we allow ourselves to ask, “What do I truly want? What fulfills me?”

When we align with our inner truth and let our intuition guide our path, we find that desires born of fear fall away. What remains are the pursuits that light our souls on fire.

The most profound connections—both with others and with ourselves—come when we let down our walls and trust that the universe is guiding us toward our highest good. Healing is not about erasing the past but about integrating its lessons with grace and compassion.

Remember, your worth does not live in the wounds of yesterday but in the light you allow to shine today. You have the power to release, forgive, and align with your true self. The universe is waiting to meet you where you are, ready to co-create the life you desire.