What is WalkingOM?

What began as a simple idea during my spiritual awakening has transformed into my mission and a cornerstone of my life. In the early stages of my awakening, I was excited to forge deeper connections with others on a similar path. I envisioned a space where people could not only enjoy the physical benefits of hiking and walking but also dive into the spiritual—meditations in nature, open-hearted conversations over coffee about life’s challenges, and the magic that comes with newfound self-awareness. So, I created a Meetup group, but first, I needed a name. A dear friend suggested “WalkingOM,” and it just clicked. The name resonated perfectly with my vision. Done and done! I loved it!

Over the years, WalkingOM has evolved into something much more personal for me, reflecting the growth of self, and my abilities as an intuitive and Medium. It has become my mission and website. To me, WalkingOM means embodying the essence of peace, unity, and universal consciousness in every step you take. It’s about living life with an awareness of your connection to everything around you, being present in the moment, having an open heart and a clear mind, and allowing your actions to reflect the deep inner peace and spiritual alignment that OM represents.

In this state of mind and being, one’s journey becomes, in many ways, a meditation in motion—honoring the sacred sound of the universe, the sound of OM. It resonates through every aspect of your life. You “become” a beacon of light and love, inspiring others to find their own path to harmony, healing and personal fulfillment. This is what I hope to achieve, not only in my own personal journey but also in being of service to others.

Poem: True North

Patient and calm, I dwell in the embrace of wonder and awe, my dreams surfing and gliding through the ocean of my thoughts. No shadow of dusk can dim my vision, for everything I desire shines brightly as I gaze beyond the windowpane. Yet, here I wait, the hands of time resting gently on my shoulders, anchoring me in this moment. It’s not a cage but an infinite horizon, where my feet are free to wander, discover, and experience each flicker of light anew. Anchored yet liberated, I’m a soul adrift with no map to guide me, no roads to confine me—only a compass gently cradled in my hand, guided by my inner north star.

Poem: Boundless Skies

Purity resides in the heart, running wild like a child where pirates roam and dragons soar. Life blossoms in the tiniest wonders: a blade of grass, a flower to pick, the sky to gaze upon. In this realm, freedom cascades through every breath, as the mind surrenders and no longer dictates. The field is wide and vast, stretching beyond sight, soaring above the trees. Here, you are the observer, voyager, explorer, and stargazer.

Limitations no longer bind you in the slavery of defeat; instead, they lift you to wonder, curiosity, and hope. As the false mirror crumbles, an unveiling and rebirth are witnessed, reclaiming a song long forgotten. You embody timeless truth, pure in essence—you are home.

Message from spirit | Garden of Eden.

How you step into your ‘what’s next’ can be as delicate or as bold as you wish it to be. You have reached the stage of your journey where your choices are deliberate. You are standing in your power and trusting your instincts. Life feels very different from where you were even a year ago, does it not? Now, you get to watch a life manifested through hard work, awareness, and light unfolded. This is your Garden of Eden.

Message from Spirit | Inner Compass

Sometimes, we need to spend a little time alone with our thoughts and in solitude to gain clarity, navigate conflict, and gain wisdom while facing life’s challenges. Today’s message encourages you not to forget the lessons learned and all you’ve worked towards. There is a balance here of both the mind and of the heart, where the answers you seek come from within. This may sound like a broken record, but sometimes we all need a little reminder now and again to ask ourselves, “Are you listening to your inner wisdom, your intuition?” Trust it; it won’t let you down.