I got you. It's okay to ask for help and support.

In the past, I’ve always been quite stubborn when it comes to asking for help or support, but over time, that has shifted, and I’ve been able to realize that it’s not only okay to ask for help or support but it’s actually healthier for me. So often, we look at leaning on another as a sign of weakness, that we aren’t being independent, or we don’t want to feel like a burden, etc., when in reality, asking for support can lead to a better state of mental health and can help forge more meaningful and lasting connections with others.

But how do we know who is best for our overall well-being and ‘the right people? You know I’m going to say first and foremost, trust your intuition. Ask yourself, do I feel comfortable, understood, and supported by this person? Seek others who can empathize, come from a place of non-judgment, communicate effectively and respectfully. I am a huge advocate for professional guidance, therapy, and coaching mentors in addition to seeking support from friendships that have your best interest at heart.

So, when it comes to asking for support or help, don’t look at it as giving up or your last resort, see it as an incredible strength within that says, ‘I am actually refusing to give up, and I’m worth it.’

Ch Ch Ch Changes

You know that feeling you get when you accomplish something that you really didn’t want to do, but you totally forced yourself to do it anyway because you knew afterwards you’d feel AMAZING and so glad you did? It doesn’t matter what it is—THAT, my dear friend, is the energy you want to pull in—the memory and the feeling of how great you’ll feel after every time you doubt or procrastinate. Just watch how things start to positively change in your life. Remember, change cannot happen without creating changes.

A good negotiator

I’m a very good negotiator in my head when it comes to making excuses for why I’m not doing something or feeling a certain way about myself. And, as much as I could and should be kinder to myself, I also feel like sometimes a little tough love can go a long way. Motivational speaker; Mel Robbins often quotes, “No one is coming to save you.” Well, that’s a large dose of OUCH. But, damn, it’s true. Taking responsibility for our present life and future life, changing the way we think, and shifting the feels to rid of negative thinking... it takes work!

But if there is one thing I’ve learned along the way, it’s in breaking things down into doable steps, celebrating every little win along the way, and sharing my victories with those who lift me and support me. So, remember, recognizing and changing your thought patterns, creating action is a process. It’s a journey that requires practice, and where practicing it is key.