Arcturian Wisdom: If We Gave You a Hammer, What Would You Build?

Last week, I had one of those Spiritual Life Coaching sessions that stays in your mind long after it’s over. My client, someone beautifully open to exploring the supernatural, came to the session with a deep desire to connect with higher light beings. They had experienced glimpses of these presences in their life, and their curiosity was as expansive as the universe they longed to understand—a sentiment I deeply resonated with, given my own journey.

Going into the session, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect (because, let’s be real, the spiritual world loves to surprise us). But as a psychic medium and spiritual life coach, I’ve learned to roll with the unexpected. And let me tell you, this session? It absolutely blew me away.

When my client and I began to start the session, I felt this incredible, high-vibrational energy enter the space behind me. It was so strong that my body reacted right away—my posture shifted, and I felt this deep warmth and strength wash over me. It’s hard to put into words, but it was like I was blending with something so powerful yet so gentle at the same time. I didn’t know exactly what or who it was at first, but as the session unfolded, they revealed themselves as an Arcturian.

I’ll admit, I don’t dive too deeply into researching Arcturians, Pleiadians, or other high-vibrational beings. I know of them, the names, but prefer to keep my channeling as clear and uninfluenced as possible. (Maybe that’s a little naïve, but I like to think it helps keep my human ego out of the way. And to be honest, I kind of love the surprise and beauty of it when it happens.)

What struck me most wasn’t just the presence of this incredible light being (which was, let’s be honest, pretty amazing)—it was the message they brought. They deeply understood my client’s longing to connect, their curiosity about the secrets of the universe, and the excitement they felt about communicating on the level they were seeking. But then they completely flipped the script with a question so simple and profound, it almost broke my link in pure awe:

“Beyond the experience and the entertainment value of connecting with us, what would you do with the wisdom and knowledge we share? Think of it this way: if we gave you a hammer, what would you build?”

Oof, that question hit me right in the heart. It wasn’t meant to diminish my client’s curiosity or passion; instead, it was a gentle nudge toward reflection. Spiritual connections beyond the veil, aren’t just about the wow factor. They’re about the why.

The light being explained it perfectly. If they handed over a tool—a hammer, a piece of knowledge, or a moment of connection—it was up to us to decide how to use it. Are we building something meaningful? Are we growing? Are we contributing to the greater good?

One of the most incredible takeaways from this session was the reminder that relationships—whether with people, spirits, or higher beings—require both investment and surrender. It’s not enough to simply want a connection; we need to approach it with humility and authenticity. Even though my client was open to both the investment and the surrender, the questions posed by the light being required real contemplation.

As more questions unfolded, this light being made it abundantly clear in the most loving way: they don’t really need us to connect with them. They choose to. And in that choice, they’re seeking a relationship built on more than what we often can recognize within ourselves.

After the session, I couldn’t stop thinking about that question in relation to my own life of service: If we gave you a hammer, what would you build?

It really is such a simple yet hit you over the head reminder to reflect on how we use the tools we’re given. Spiritual journeys are full of gifts—insights, connections, and moments of clarity. But they’re only as valuable as what we choose to do with them.

It makes you ask yourself: What are you building? Maybe it’s a stronger sense of self, a deeper connection to others, or even a platform to share your truth. Whatever it is, it must come from a place of love, intention, and service—and this is exactly where my client’s heart was, wanting to build something meaningful from that very space.

I’ll be honest—this session was as much a learning moment for me as it was for my client. It reminded me why I love this work so much. Every reading, every connection, every session pushes me to grow, to stretch my understanding, and to serve in new ways.

At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Spiritual growth isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about asking the questions, staying open, and using what we’ve been given to make a difference.

A Final Thought: If you were given a hammer, what would you build? Take a moment to sit with that question. Let it guide you toward your own “why.” And remember, the tools we’re handed are only the beginning—it’s what we create with them that truly matters.


12.12 | Stepping stones of self love: A Channeled Message from spirit

On this loveliest of new moons, you see the world. 

On this day, a breakthrough occurs within you. This is not to say that what has come forward is unrecognizable, but ‘familiar’ is a better word. You see the pieces within you that you have been longing to see—an awakening and beckoning for something more, not externally like a desire for things or relationships, but of oneself.

You are aware of your surroundings with a new set of eyes—eyes that gaze upon the self, nurturing a deeper love and understanding of who you are and will be. There is freshness, renewal, doves in flight, and patriarchal simplicity in viewpoint and knowledge. Do not waver in this gaze, or worry, for these are the stones that have been placed at your feet to step upon—to climb, to conquer without fear, without hesitation.

You are ready, dear love. We have been waiting for you to see what we have seen all along.

“After I channeled this message, I had to look up what 'patriarchal simplicity in viewpoint and knowledge' meant. I could come up with a few thoughts of my own, but I do love when I am presented with phrases I would never use. For me, it’s a sign that my messages are truly coming from somewhere other than my own thoughts, a beautiful addition; lovely, uplifting and wise.”

If you are wondering yourself what 'patriarchal simplicity in viewpoint and knowledge' means, it was meant to convey a straightforward, uncomplicated perspective—a clear and simple way of looking at things that may be associated with societal structures in place.