Mediumship Development: What's in a name.

As a practicing medium, I’m always pushing myself alongside my spiritual team on the other side to improve how I receive evidence from loved ones, guides, and more. One thing I had always struggled with in the past was getting names during a medium reading. I remember talking about it with someone in a development workshop years ago and they asked me if I was good with names normally. I replied, “Oh hell no! I’m awful!” Their response was, “Well, that’s why.” At the time, I accepted that answer because I was still developing and didn’t question what I didn’t know to be true or not true. But as time passed and I became more confident in my abilities, I realized that the messages that come through have nothing to do with me—duh. It became clear that while receiving names is an important piece of evidence for me, I needed to let go of focusing solely on them. All I needed to do was ask spirit to receive names and then release my attachment to it.

My mediumship involves seeing, hearing, and feeling... Over the years, my spidey senses, if you will, have really accelerated symbolically with spirit during my readings. One night, while doing a reading, I was connecting with a sister who had passed. I kept seeing disco balls and hearing Donna Summer’s song “On the Radio.” I asked the client if her sister connected with the whole Studio 54 disco music vibe. She said no and couldn’t take the visual. So, as a medium, I trust the messages that come through and I dig a little deeper, asking spirit for more information. I then continued hearing the name “Donna Summer” while her music played almost simultaneously in my mind. I asked my client, “How does Donna Summer or the name ‘Donna’ connect?” She replied, “That’s my sister’s name—Donna.” Boom, there it was: the message was indeed a name! Both myself and my client laughed and she said, “Wow, spirit really made you work for that one.” It’s crucial for anyone learning to communicate with the spirit world to keep asking questions, digging deeper, and paying attention to how the messages make you feel if the visuals aren’t clear. Being of service to those who have experienced tremendous grief means putting in the extra work with the spirit world. It might be slow at first, or maybe it won’t be, but the key isn’t just about getting a name. It’s about relaying the message in whatever way the spirit world needs to bring peace, hope, and healing to those who have suffered a loss.

Bringing forward evidence, whether it’s a name, an anniversary, or something else, is wonderful and important during a reading, and I’m so grateful for every opportunity when it comes through. But it’s just one piece of the message. I also believe that real healing happens in the experiences shared—like when a dad in spirit mentions something silly like his smelly feet and how it would clear a room to remind his daughter to laugh again. “Yes, that came through once, and the laughter did help.” Or how grandma was your best friend, and you told her everything about your life; she’ll always be grateful for that time and closeness with you. Evidence, emotions, and memories, combined together, show beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is something more. Evidence that can’t be googled. It demonstrates that our souls do live on and that our loved ones are always around us, experiencing life alongside us and not missing a thing.

If you’re just starting out on your journey as a practicing medium, remember that it’s a true partnership with the spirit world. It takes work, time, and the ability to let go, trusting that the messages will come. Don’t give up and give yourself grace on the days when it’s more challenging than others. Everyone has off days, no matter how long they’ve been of service. 

message from spirit | Money, money, money, money, moneyyy

When it comes to your financial goals and dreams, dear one, remember this: it’s not merely about abundance flowing to you but nurturing a sacred relationship with it. Like every branch of the tree that is your journey, it is a relationship meant to be fostered and nurtured. Being mindful of one’s choices is the very essence of your safety net. Just as most things in life need care and attention to thrive, so does your financial energy. Your relationship with abundance is a journey of harmony and balance, where the flow to and from you is where you will find peace of mind. Take care of it, and it will take care of you.

Message from spirit | Slow and steady wins the race. 

Slow down, dear one. The rush, the constant hustle—it serves no one when the candle barely flickers at both ends. Your energy is both precious and powerful, deserving of your undivided attention. Blend the whispers of your heart with the clarity of your mind and embrace the wisdom of creating more balance. Find your pace, not haste, for in it, you’ll discover the gentle strength to move forward with a greater rate of success. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Message from spirit | Garden of Eden.

How you step into your ‘what’s next’ can be as delicate or as bold as you wish it to be. You have reached the stage of your journey where your choices are deliberate. You are standing in your power and trusting your instincts. Life feels very different from where you were even a year ago, does it not? Now, you get to watch a life manifested through hard work, awareness, and light unfolded. This is your Garden of Eden.

Message from spirit | Inner Work

The word ‘work’ is not just about the paycheck, and yes, having skills, dedicating your time, finding your passion, paying bills, etc., is important. But none of it will matter if you are not doing the ‘work’ on yourself first and how you interact and connect with others. These are the growth moments where momentum and forward movement matter most.

Remember, every aspect of the word ‘work’ should be a pathway to inner harmony and fulfillment, not a sacrifice that leads to burnout. Embrace it as a journey of growth and joy, creating balance, without masks, aligning with your true self in every area of your life and in every step of the way, and all the things you wish to be fulfilled will find their way to you without resistance.