A safe and supportive environment is key to a good psychic reading.
I genuinely believe that no one should ever feel anxious about seeking a psychic reading. It's all about finding the right connection. Not everyone is the right fit. Myself included. Whether it's your first session with me or not, I am here to do my best to help you feel at ease during your session as we connect with spirit to provide you with the guidance and support you are looking for.
Bring and Ask Questions
Remember, the messages that come through are not up to me. My intention is to be a pure and clear channel for you and for spirit. It's about providing you with guidance and support from a higher source for your highest self. I often have clients say, "Let's just see what comes up." While I can certainly do that, if the spirit world wants to spend your session on your relationship choices but you really wanted to know about your career, it's always good to address that at the beginning of your session without giving too much information away. Even a simple "I'd like to know about my career" is a great starting point. This will help you get the most out of your session by asking about specific topics or areas you would like to focus on.
The Future
When it comes to reading your future and outcomes to current situations, know that during a good psychic reading, what is being read is the energy that is surrounding you in the present moment.
During my sessions, I am able to see into the possibilities and potential futures that can turn into probable ones; however, it’s important to remember that the future is NOT fixed or unchanging. It is constantly shifting and evolving based on where you are in your journey, your choices and actions that you make (including others too), aka…free will.
A good psychic reading should help you feel supported and empowered on your journey and help you navigate the unknown with compassion and empathy, never to tell you what to do.
The Session
Remember to come with an open mind and heart for the the best possible reading.