Facing the Unknown: Why I choose not to Predict when Someones going to die.

Years ago, a very wise teacher and brilliant medium once said, “When it comes to sharing in readings our time of death, I’m not interested in playing God.” Her words have forever shaped my approach and core beliefs as I continue my journey as a psychic and medium, especially when confronted with questions about one’s mortality in this lifetime.

I decided to write this blog because lately, I’ve been getting a lot of clients asking the age-old question: When will I die? When will a parent, spouse, or loved one die? These are questions that I think all of us ask ourselves as humans, and something I personally feared as well before awakening to my abilities as a medium—how long do I have?

When a client asks me these questions, I approach them with great care and empathy, especially when someone’s parent or loved one has been suffering from a long-term illness and they want to know how much more time they have with them. It’s only natural to seek peace of mind and, for some, a moment of relief from the daily stress of caring for someone or worrying about their own fate. But the question arises: how does knowing if you have 2 days, weeks, or 30 years left to live truly benefit you?

When these types of readings present themselves, a consistent message comes through from the spirit world every time: Let go of what you cannot control and manage what you can, as best as you can. It is not our job as humans to worry about our fate or the fate of others but to live the best life we can in the present moment. I’m aware that this is easier said than done, as life can be filled with suffering, pain, and worry.

Even as someone who has been gifted with the ability to see a person’s timeline from past to future, the messages are clear: the energy I am seeing is the current energy in the present moment. While a reading can bring peace of mind, beautiful hope, and affirming evidence, it’s important to remember that our futures are fluid and can change or shift. Our souls are infinite, but our experiences in this lifetime have a time limit—some short, some long—but we all share the same fate. Whatever time you have, LIVE IT. Live it with great love, with joy, with kindness, and compassion for yourself and for others. Doing the best that you can is all that you can do. Surround yourself with positive people who support you, lean on one another when times get tough, and give yourself grace on days when your best is at the bare minimum. The message here is to be present—you can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future. All we have is today.

I’ll end with this: So, why go to a psychic if that’s what you want to know? Isn’t that what psychics do? Not every psychic medium is right for everyone. In my personal connection with the spirit world, my role is to help you on your journey today. I am a vessel and translator from the spirit world, communicating messages to the best of my abilities. Everyone’s journey is unique. My intentions and relationship with the spirit world are always focused on your highest good, offering solutions and guidance. While I can often sense and share when messages from the spirit world indicate that things are easing up or need more time to work through, predicting when someone’s life is meant to end is not something you’ll ever hear me express. If that’s what you seek, I wouldn’t be the right fit.

message from spirit | Brick by Brick

Brick by brick, trust that you’re creating something truly remarkable. Don’t forget who you are and what you’re capable of. Your strength and perseverance are the keys to your success. Keep believing in yourself and this journey you’re on. Every step you take is a testament to your abilities. Celebrate each achievement, knowing that you are building something extraordinary just for you.

Message from spirit | You’re the winning ticket.

You don’t need a wheel of fortune or a four-leaf clover to feel lucky. You are here, in this moment, experiencing the wonders of what is and what’s yet to come—a winning lottery ticket in itself. Do not overlook the power you have to create and fulfill your desires by wondering if they could be possible. Trust in knowing that they are.

message from spirit | Money, money, money, money, moneyyy

When it comes to your financial goals and dreams, dear one, remember this: it’s not merely about abundance flowing to you but nurturing a sacred relationship with it. Like every branch of the tree that is your journey, it is a relationship meant to be fostered and nurtured. Being mindful of one’s choices is the very essence of your safety net. Just as most things in life need care and attention to thrive, so does your financial energy. Your relationship with abundance is a journey of harmony and balance, where the flow to and from you is where you will find peace of mind. Take care of it, and it will take care of you.

Message from spirit | Slow and steady wins the race. 

Slow down, dear one. The rush, the constant hustle—it serves no one when the candle barely flickers at both ends. Your energy is both precious and powerful, deserving of your undivided attention. Blend the whispers of your heart with the clarity of your mind and embrace the wisdom of creating more balance. Find your pace, not haste, for in it, you’ll discover the gentle strength to move forward with a greater rate of success. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.