Your Akashic Session | What to expect. 

Depending on the nature of your questions,
you could learn about:

• Your past lives
• Releasing limiting beliefs & behaviors that originate in a past life and why
• Soul contracts with someone in your current lifetime
• Gain awareness on past traumas and old wounds
• Enhancing your soul's progress
• Understanding your life purpose. 

How to prep for your Akashic Reading:

• Be open and receptive to receive information
• Think about 2-3 questions you'd like to explore
• Avoid fortune telling or outcome questions
• Questions should start with how, what, or why?

Make sure your intention for asking a question is as clear as possible. 

The intent of an akashic reading is to create awareness and to help you make more informed choices about an issue or situation. This does not mean that you need to act on it right away. The information you receive is meant to empower you, never making choices for you or impose on your free will. 

Sample Questions  

• Why am with (persons name) in this lifetime?
• What am I supposed to learn about this situation?
• How can I better understand (situation)?
• What is preventing me from (situation)?
• How can I better align my soul purpose with my career, relationships, etc..?
• What is limiting me from manifesting greater abundance?
• Am I carrying past life traumas that need to be resolved?
• How can I connect with my spirit guides/spiritual team more deeply?
• What do I most need to know today? 
• What is the origin of my soul?
• Who was I in a past life?