Finding your Purpose

Everyone faces times in their lives when clarity about their path feels impossible, marked by uncertainty and resistance that often go hand in hand. It’s like trying to move forward with one wheel stuck in the mud—creating imbalance and a lot of frustration. When I asked for wisdom from my spirit guides on finding clarity and purpose, the message was clear: all paths lead to letting go of the pressure we place on ourselves and returning to our authentic selves, to joy and happiness. What does that mean? Well, let’s break it down:

The Dreaded Uncertainty: Finding Your Purpose
We could all ponder the age-old question, “Why am I here?” But for now, let’s focus on a simpler approach to bringing more joy and fulfillment into your life—essentially, finding your purpose. Many of us overthink what having a purpose is supposed to mean. Are you wondering if you truly love what you’re doing now? Just answering “yes” or “no” can be a starting point. If you’re not feeling fulfilled, ask yourself, without limits, what you’d really love to do. We often think of purpose as something grand, but it can also be found in small, everyday actions. For example, your job might pay the bills but not ignite your passion; however, it still serves a purpose. Remember, it’s not the position or job that defines your purpose; it’s how you feel while doing it. For example, you don’t have to be a nurse, doctor, therapist, teacher, or coach to help or be of service to others—unless that’s your specific desire. There is great power in showing kindness and lending a helping hand in your daily life. Consider the ripple effect of opening a door for someone with their hands full, showing someone how to do something, or being a listening ear for someone having a rough day. One’s purpose can be simple; it’s about letting go of what you think it’s supposed to be and following how your choices make you feel.

Resistance: Overcoming Doubt
If you’re stuck in a cycle of doubt and unhappiness, ask yourself: What do I truly want to do? Identify what makes you happy, including hobbies and interests, especially if you’re unsure. Then, evaluate whether you’re taking steps toward these goals. Let go of the fear of failure. It’s normal to think, “It’s too hard” or “I’m not capable,” but these fears only prevent you from being your true self. I heard a quote once that stuck with me: “Fear often signals that there’s something important you need to confront.” There’s a lot of truth in that statement.

When it comes to facing our fears and not succeeding, remember that everyone experiences setbacks. But, the excitement and strength within comes from the journey of trying. My spirit guides have always loved to nudge me by saying, ‘Just try’ to help push the needle forward. Embrace the possibilities, let go of the “I can’t” mindset, and you’ll find joy in the process. The choice is yours; your mindset is your own. No one owns that power but you! And, remember, building momentum, strength, and courage comes through action and creating new experiences.

True growth and joy come from stepping forward despite the doubts. Choose courage, take that next step, and let your light shine brightly. The journey may be challenging, but when we release the grip of doubt, every step forward is a victory, leading you closer to the desires you seek and a rewarding journey.

Manifesting 101: 3 important steps to help you get there.

Mastering the art of manifesting your desires involves three key elements: (1) releasing any limiting beliefs, (2) genuinely believing that your dreams will come true, and (3) embracing them into your reality with unwavering confidence. Not so hard, right?!

When circumstances don’t align as swiftly as we’d like, it simply means some aspects of this process may need a little more nurturing. The way divine timing works is incredibly precise, relying on our faith in the unknown rather than on timing. So, if you wholeheartedly believe, passionately feel, and trust without doubt in their arrival, then you can rest assured, you’re on the right path with nothing to fear or doubt.

Turning License Plates into 2024 Goals & Intentions

I can’t help but see signs in everything that passes my line of sight, especially if it is something out of the ordinary. This morning, on my drive home from visiting my daughter, I saw an out-of-state license plate that passed me with an abbreviation for the word "consistency," and I thought, “Are you trying to tell me something, spirit?” Laughing out loud as I plan my 2024 intentions, trying not to act like they’re goals, ha-ha, but they truly are, and if I’m being honest with myself, I’m grateful for them because life should never remain stagnant or be a repeat year of the same old, same old. I find within myself not knowing how I’m going to push myself this upcoming year—whether spiritually, mentally, or physically. It can get daunting, don’t you think?

As I reflect on the sign and the notion of consistency, I recognize the importance of incorporating this principle into the year ahead. My guides often speak in terms of small moves and baby steps, emphasizing that, regardless of how tiny, one's movement forward is progress. I believe we often place undue pressure on ourselves to achieve lofty goals within a short timeframe, when, in reality, it's about the journey, not the speed in which we get there.

So, on this lovely night of a full moon, December 26th, 2023, I’m going to work on my small yet achievable goals toward my grand wishes and desires without judgment or pressure, just pure love for the journey and excitement about any new adventures that come my way in the next 12 months ahead.

Wishing you all a most beautiful and wondrous New Year filled with small, meaningful steps toward your dreams.