message from spirit | Money, money, money, money, moneyyy

When it comes to your financial goals and dreams, dear one, remember this: it’s not merely about abundance flowing to you but nurturing a sacred relationship with it. Like every branch of the tree that is your journey, it is a relationship meant to be fostered and nurtured. Being mindful of one’s choices is the very essence of your safety net. Just as most things in life need care and attention to thrive, so does your financial energy. Your relationship with abundance is a journey of harmony and balance, where the flow to and from you is where you will find peace of mind. Take care of it, and it will take care of you.

Message from spirit | Garden of Eden.

How you step into your ‘what’s next’ can be as delicate or as bold as you wish it to be. You have reached the stage of your journey where your choices are deliberate. You are standing in your power and trusting your instincts. Life feels very different from where you were even a year ago, does it not? Now, you get to watch a life manifested through hard work, awareness, and light unfolded. This is your Garden of Eden.

Manifesting 101: 3 important steps to help you get there.

Mastering the art of manifesting your desires involves three key elements: (1) releasing any limiting beliefs, (2) genuinely believing that your dreams will come true, and (3) embracing them into your reality with unwavering confidence. Not so hard, right?!

When circumstances don’t align as swiftly as we’d like, it simply means some aspects of this process may need a little more nurturing. The way divine timing works is incredibly precise, relying on our faith in the unknown rather than on timing. So, if you wholeheartedly believe, passionately feel, and trust without doubt in their arrival, then you can rest assured, you’re on the right path with nothing to fear or doubt.