When Change disrupts your comfort zone

There’s one thing we’ll always find on our journey, no matter how much we try to avoid it, is change. Some changes we can control and manage, and others…not so much.

For example—I love rearranging the furniture in my living room or bedroom every now and then. There are really only two ways to move things around because of the space and scale of my furniture, but that tiny shift feels new. It’s energizing. It shifts my mindset.

Then there are the weekends when I decide to try a new hiking trail or take some photos at a spot I’ve never been to before. That little invitation to explore something different is so good for the soul, isn’t it?

But not all changes come wrapped in a bow of excitement. Sometimes, life throws in an unexpected curveball: an illness, a career hurdle, financial stress, family dynamics, relationships, etc... And suddenly, it’s not about rearranging furniture—it’s about rearranging your heart, your mind, and your ability to adapt.

For me, it’s so easy to get caught up in the imbalance of it all. I’ll admit, I’ve gotten better over the years—age does bring wisdom—but patience still isn’t exactly my strong suit. When life feels overwhelming, I often find myself wanting to fix things, to make sense of what feels messy.

But here’s the lesson I’ve learned—one I’m still learning: not every change is meant to be fixed or figured out. Some changes are about letting go. About hitting the pause button, taking a deep breath, and sitting with whatever is happening, even if it feels uncomfortable.

I feel like a broken record if I’ve mentioned this before, but if I’m being honest, it’s advice that often sits on my shoulder, whispering in my ear: letting go doesn’t mean giving up. It means creating space for peace, even when life feels chaotic. It’s about trusting that every shift, even the hard ones, carries something valuable. Sometimes it’s a lesson in resilience; other times, it’s a reminder that we’re stronger than we think.

I’ve learned that change—whether it’s something as simple as moving a couch or as profound as facing the unknown—has the power to transform us. I once listened to a podcast where actor Matthew McConaughey shared an analogy about the colors of a stoplight. He explained that if life were all green lights, with no hardships, no challenges, no “change,” or introspection, then what would it all be for? We need the yellows and reds, too.

I might be veering off topic a bit, but his analogy feels so relevant to change. Those pauses and stops—those moments of uncertainty or struggle—are what help us evolve. It’s where growth happens. It’s where we learn to loosen our grip on the things we can’t control and start embracing what is.

So, here’s a gentle nudge for us: when change knocks, let’s answer with curiosity. Let’s ask ourselves, “What can this teach us? How can this moment serve our growth?” Even when it feels uncomfortable, even when we don’t have all the answers.

Every change, whether small or life-altering, is shaping us. It’s helping us align with our highest selves, one step at a time. And in those moments when it feels overwhelming, let’s remind ourselves that we’re not alone. My favorite go-to reminder? You’ve got this.

False doors and open hearts

In a world where we often carry the weight of our past wounds, it’s easy to believe that our worth resides in the hurt we’ve endured. We find ourselves standing at a false door—a barrier created to protect our hearts but one that keeps us from truly seeing the depth of our potential and desires.

The path to self-discovery calls for balance and harmony with both our past and present. To grow, we must learn to walk away from the pain that no longer serves us, placing self-forgiveness at the forefront and releasing what binds us to the stories of who we once were.

We build walls around our hearts, thinking we’re shielding ourselves from harm. But these walls do more than protect—they isolate. While we may keep hurt out, we also block love, opportunity, and truth from coming in. Our journey is not about avoiding pain but about courageously facing it, knowing we are strong enough to endure and heal.

Harmony comes from understanding that our past does not define our worth. Every experience—joyful or painful—has shaped the incredible beings we are today. By reflecting on past experiences rather than clinging to them, we create space for new opportunities to flow into our lives.

When we stop guarding our hearts so fiercely, we begin to see clearly what we truly desire. Whether it’s love, purpose, or a deeper connection to our intuition, we allow ourselves to ask, “What do I truly want? What fulfills me?”

When we align with our inner truth and let our intuition guide our path, we find that desires born of fear fall away. What remains are the pursuits that light our souls on fire.

The most profound connections—both with others and with ourselves—come when we let down our walls and trust that the universe is guiding us toward our highest good. Healing is not about erasing the past but about integrating its lessons with grace and compassion.

Remember, your worth does not live in the wounds of yesterday but in the light you allow to shine today. You have the power to release, forgive, and align with your true self. The universe is waiting to meet you where you are, ready to co-create the life you desire.

Finding your Purpose

Everyone faces times in their lives when clarity about their path feels impossible, marked by uncertainty and resistance that often go hand in hand. It’s like trying to move forward with one wheel stuck in the mud—creating imbalance and a lot of frustration. When I asked for wisdom from my spirit guides on finding clarity and purpose, the message was clear: all paths lead to letting go of the pressure we place on ourselves and returning to our authentic selves, to joy and happiness. What does that mean? Well, let’s break it down:

The Dreaded Uncertainty: Finding Your Purpose
We could all ponder the age-old question, “Why am I here?” But for now, let’s focus on a simpler approach to bringing more joy and fulfillment into your life—essentially, finding your purpose. Many of us overthink what having a purpose is supposed to mean. Are you wondering if you truly love what you’re doing now? Just answering “yes” or “no” can be a starting point. If you’re not feeling fulfilled, ask yourself, without limits, what you’d really love to do. We often think of purpose as something grand, but it can also be found in small, everyday actions. For example, your job might pay the bills but not ignite your passion; however, it still serves a purpose. Remember, it’s not the position or job that defines your purpose; it’s how you feel while doing it. For example, you don’t have to be a nurse, doctor, therapist, teacher, or coach to help or be of service to others—unless that’s your specific desire. There is great power in showing kindness and lending a helping hand in your daily life. Consider the ripple effect of opening a door for someone with their hands full, showing someone how to do something, or being a listening ear for someone having a rough day. One’s purpose can be simple; it’s about letting go of what you think it’s supposed to be and following how your choices make you feel.

Resistance: Overcoming Doubt
If you’re stuck in a cycle of doubt and unhappiness, ask yourself: What do I truly want to do? Identify what makes you happy, including hobbies and interests, especially if you’re unsure. Then, evaluate whether you’re taking steps toward these goals. Let go of the fear of failure. It’s normal to think, “It’s too hard” or “I’m not capable,” but these fears only prevent you from being your true self. I heard a quote once that stuck with me: “Fear often signals that there’s something important you need to confront.” There’s a lot of truth in that statement.

When it comes to facing our fears and not succeeding, remember that everyone experiences setbacks. But, the excitement and strength within comes from the journey of trying. My spirit guides have always loved to nudge me by saying, ‘Just try’ to help push the needle forward. Embrace the possibilities, let go of the “I can’t” mindset, and you’ll find joy in the process. The choice is yours; your mindset is your own. No one owns that power but you! And, remember, building momentum, strength, and courage comes through action and creating new experiences.

True growth and joy come from stepping forward despite the doubts. Choose courage, take that next step, and let your light shine brightly. The journey may be challenging, but when we release the grip of doubt, every step forward is a victory, leading you closer to the desires you seek and a rewarding journey.

Mediumship Development: What's in a name.

As a practicing medium, I’m always pushing myself alongside my spiritual team on the other side to improve how I receive evidence from loved ones, guides, and more. One thing I had always struggled with in the past was getting names during a medium reading. I remember talking about it with someone in a development workshop years ago and they asked me if I was good with names normally. I replied, “Oh hell no! I’m awful!” Their response was, “Well, that’s why.” At the time, I accepted that answer because I was still developing and didn’t question what I didn’t know to be true or not true. But as time passed and I became more confident in my abilities, I realized that the messages that come through have nothing to do with me—duh. It became clear that while receiving names is an important piece of evidence for me, I needed to let go of focusing solely on them. All I needed to do was ask spirit to receive names and then release my attachment to it.

My mediumship involves seeing, hearing, and feeling... Over the years, my spidey senses, if you will, have really accelerated symbolically with spirit during my readings. One night, while doing a reading, I was connecting with a sister who had passed. I kept seeing disco balls and hearing Donna Summer’s song “On the Radio.” I asked the client if her sister connected with the whole Studio 54 disco music vibe. She said no and couldn’t take the visual. So, as a medium, I trust the messages that come through and I dig a little deeper, asking spirit for more information. I then continued hearing the name “Donna Summer” while her music played almost simultaneously in my mind. I asked my client, “How does Donna Summer or the name ‘Donna’ connect?” She replied, “That’s my sister’s name—Donna.” Boom, there it was: the message was indeed a name! Both myself and my client laughed and she said, “Wow, spirit really made you work for that one.” It’s crucial for anyone learning to communicate with the spirit world to keep asking questions, digging deeper, and paying attention to how the messages make you feel if the visuals aren’t clear. Being of service to those who have experienced tremendous grief means putting in the extra work with the spirit world. It might be slow at first, or maybe it won’t be, but the key isn’t just about getting a name. It’s about relaying the message in whatever way the spirit world needs to bring peace, hope, and healing to those who have suffered a loss.

Bringing forward evidence, whether it’s a name, an anniversary, or something else, is wonderful and important during a reading, and I’m so grateful for every opportunity when it comes through. But it’s just one piece of the message. I also believe that real healing happens in the experiences shared—like when a dad in spirit mentions something silly like his smelly feet and how it would clear a room to remind his daughter to laugh again. “Yes, that came through once, and the laughter did help.” Or how grandma was your best friend, and you told her everything about your life; she’ll always be grateful for that time and closeness with you. Evidence, emotions, and memories, combined together, show beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is something more. Evidence that can’t be googled. It demonstrates that our souls do live on and that our loved ones are always around us, experiencing life alongside us and not missing a thing.

If you’re just starting out on your journey as a practicing medium, remember that it’s a true partnership with the spirit world. It takes work, time, and the ability to let go, trusting that the messages will come. Don’t give up and give yourself grace on the days when it’s more challenging than others. Everyone has off days, no matter how long they’ve been of service. 

Poem: Boundless Skies

Purity resides in the heart, running wild like a child where pirates roam and dragons soar. Life blossoms in the tiniest wonders: a blade of grass, a flower to pick, the sky to gaze upon. In this realm, freedom cascades through every breath, as the mind surrenders and no longer dictates. The field is wide and vast, stretching beyond sight, soaring above the trees. Here, you are the observer, voyager, explorer, and stargazer.

Limitations no longer bind you in the slavery of defeat; instead, they lift you to wonder, curiosity, and hope. As the false mirror crumbles, an unveiling and rebirth are witnessed, reclaiming a song long forgotten. You embody timeless truth, pure in essence—you are home.