Spiritually Awakening? Wait, What?

Awakening to your spiritual journey? How much time do you have? I’m giggling because it’s one of my favorite topics, but I’ll keep it short. So, for me, I can laugh now and say that my spirit guides, my higher self, were like, “Girl, enough is enough. Let’s get this party started!”

What usually kickstarts an awakening can be a number of things like major life changes, the loss of a loved one, etc. It’s very personal because it’s your journey and yours alone, pushing you into questioning your purpose, your why, your choices... How do you know? Your intuition, for one. It’s like someone just flips a switch, and that inner voice starts shouting from the rooftops to trust your instincts and somehow you’re now tuned into a different frequency. You start experiencing synchronicities and wanting to connect with a higher purpose, and that’s just the beginning. My spirit guides shared a message that I’ve kept with me for years: “Your awakening, my love, does not come but once. This is the path of many roads, many mountains. What you seek has never been lost, but the length of your journey to discover this, my dear, is completely up to you.

12.12 | Stepping stones of self love: A Channeled Message from spirit

On this loveliest of new moons, you see the world. 

On this day, a breakthrough occurs within you. This is not to say that what has come forward is unrecognizable, but ‘familiar’ is a better word. You see the pieces within you that you have been longing to see—an awakening and beckoning for something more, not externally like a desire for things or relationships, but of oneself.

You are aware of your surroundings with a new set of eyes—eyes that gaze upon the self, nurturing a deeper love and understanding of who you are and will be. There is freshness, renewal, doves in flight, and patriarchal simplicity in viewpoint and knowledge. Do not waver in this gaze, or worry, for these are the stones that have been placed at your feet to step upon—to climb, to conquer without fear, without hesitation.

You are ready, dear love. We have been waiting for you to see what we have seen all along.

“After I channeled this message, I had to look up what 'patriarchal simplicity in viewpoint and knowledge' meant. I could come up with a few thoughts of my own, but I do love when I am presented with phrases I would never use. For me, it’s a sign that my messages are truly coming from somewhere other than my own thoughts, a beautiful addition; lovely, uplifting and wise.”

If you are wondering yourself what 'patriarchal simplicity in viewpoint and knowledge' means, it was meant to convey a straightforward, uncomplicated perspective—a clear and simple way of looking at things that may be associated with societal structures in place.

Channeled Message: Your thoughts are your greatest Teacher

In your mind, you see the chaos that stirs, like a ship trying to anchor in stormy seas. Find solace in knowing that your internal battles, in many ways, serve you well. Your thoughts are not your enemy; they are your teacher. The reality you are in serves as a tool for you to grow, expand, and become the best version of yourself. This can’t happen if nothing occurs.

This day is for nothing, and nothing is enough.

The hand of time halts as I gaze down at my reflection on the water's surface. There is beauty there, in forgotten places, amidst the lurking shadows that creep between me and my mirror. Yet today, tranquility reigns, and I find solace in the embrace of my true self. A day to soar, light as a feather, having shed the chains and anchors of worry and disdain. No fret for what is, was, or will be. This day is for nothing, and nothing is enough.

Breaking up with my own baggage | Message from Spirit

A question was presented to me in mediation this morning by my spirit guides; Do you know why it feels so uncomfortable to make the changes in life that you want to make?  Because you haven’t broken up with the parts of yourself that are holding you back. It’s time to kick those b*tches out! There’s the door. Me: Laughing, and feeling the sting, all at once.

Breakups are hard, aren't they, when you get comfortable being uncomfortable with ourselves? I love how my spirit guides communicate with me; sometimes, they truly hit me between the eyes with the truth in the most creative ways. "Breaking up with myself"? What??? They are very clever, that's for sure.

And, ohh, the many facets of ourselves and the parts that no longer serve us, which keep us stagnant and often floating when we should be taking the wheel and hitting the gas pedal. If there are parts of you that you wish to change, "I know, it's not easy," as most breakups are, but aren't you worth it? Isn't your happiness and next level worth it? Uh, hells yeah, it is. As I hear my guides whisper in my ear, those self-doubting thoughts need to start planning their exit or be kicked out—not needed. 

Thank you, next. It's time, and again, you are so incredibly worth it.