What is WalkingOM?

What began as a simple idea during my spiritual awakening has transformed into my mission and a cornerstone of my life. In the early stages of my awakening, I was excited to forge deeper connections with others on a similar path. I envisioned a space where people could not only enjoy the physical benefits of hiking and walking but also dive into the spiritual—meditations in nature, open-hearted conversations over coffee about life’s challenges, and the magic that comes with newfound self-awareness. So, I created a Meetup group, but first, I needed a name. A dear friend suggested “WalkingOM,” and it just clicked. The name resonated perfectly with my vision. Done and done! I loved it!

Over the years, WalkingOM has evolved into something much more personal for me, reflecting the growth of self, and my abilities as an intuitive and Medium. It has become my mission and website. To me, WalkingOM means embodying the essence of peace, unity, and universal consciousness in every step you take. It’s about living life with an awareness of your connection to everything around you, being present in the moment, having an open heart and a clear mind, and allowing your actions to reflect the deep inner peace and spiritual alignment that OM represents.

In this state of mind and being, one’s journey becomes, in many ways, a meditation in motion—honoring the sacred sound of the universe, the sound of OM. It resonates through every aspect of your life. You “become” a beacon of light and love, inspiring others to find their own path to harmony, healing and personal fulfillment. This is what I hope to achieve, not only in my own personal journey but also in being of service to others.

Poem: Sands of Time

In the heart of an hourglass, you stand surrounded by the steady flow of time. Each grain of sand washes over you gently, a whisper of your journey. Memories unfold like delicate petals, seen through the lens of an observer, perfectly balanced between what was and what now is.

Each grain tells a story of transformation, much like the sands that are washed ashore, tumbled, and welcomed into glistening light. Beneath your feet, these softened shards form a mosaic of healing, signaling the dawn of a new journey, ready to embrace the light of another day. This is the cycle of endings and beginnings, an awakening to an eternal vastness, every turn of your landscape unfolding anew.

Spiritually Awakening? Wait, What?

Awakening to your spiritual journey? How much time do you have? I’m giggling because it’s one of my favorite topics, but I’ll keep it short. So, for me, I can laugh now and say that my spirit guides, my higher self, were like, “Girl, enough is enough. Let’s get this party started!”

What usually kickstarts an awakening can be a number of things like major life changes, the loss of a loved one, etc. It’s very personal because it’s your journey and yours alone, pushing you into questioning your purpose, your why, your choices... How do you know? Your intuition, for one. It’s like someone just flips a switch, and that inner voice starts shouting from the rooftops to trust your instincts and somehow you’re now tuned into a different frequency. You start experiencing synchronicities and wanting to connect with a higher purpose, and that’s just the beginning. My spirit guides shared a message that I’ve kept with me for years: “Your awakening, my love, does not come but once. This is the path of many roads, many mountains. What you seek has never been lost, but the length of your journey to discover this, my dear, is completely up to you.