In the light of darkness

There is a powerful quote by Carl Jung that resonates deeply: “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” This profound truth stirs the soul, inviting us to reflect on our own awakening—a transformative experience we never forget. It is as if we were handed a pair of sacred lenses, revealing the hidden depths within our hearts.

When we awaken, we often seek refuge in the embrace of the light, yearning for the warmth of enlightenment as we journey back to our true selves. Yet, those who tread this path of transformation understand that true growth blossoms from the shadows within. To make the darkness conscious, as Jung so eloquently puts it, is to honor the full spectrum of our being.

In these moments of profound self-discovery, we unearth the keys to our true potential, even when we resist. The lessons I have gathered along this sacred path teach us to embrace every step of our journey with grace, recognizing the divine balance of light and darkness. Without recognizing both, we miss out not only on finding inner peace but also witness the radiant brilliance of our souls.

Poem: Destined Path

Golden is the light that encompasses my very being, unveiling the profound truth of my destined path. This journey seals wounds of generations past—a sacred duty stitched into the very fabric of one’s soul. I stand bare and unguarded; the chains dissolve, slipping from my fingertips like the softest sand, transforming into precious jewels. No longer bound by indecision, I ascend beyond the shadows, guided by ancestral codes. My lineage, once tangled in thorns, now flourishes with intent, mending history with a celebration of love.

Poem: The weight of a feather

You have journeyed far, bearing the suitcase of your past and countless lifetimes. Every step, a testament to your endurance, each breath, a whisper of resilience. It is time now, dear traveler, to transfer its weight from rock to feather. Unzipped and peeled back are the burdens, no longer to be dragged or summoned as echoes of what was.

In the gentle twilight of one’s soul, you honor the reflection and its remnants that echo through the corridors of time, sending them kindness, compassion, and gratitude for the journey that has brought you to this sacred space now. Within a paused moment, you acknowledge the lessons, the scars, the tears. Each one, a page in your book, to be filed into the Akashic of your becoming. You place them gently on the shelf, their purpose fulfilled.

Grab laughter by the hand, happiness, and love as reminders that the climb is no longer. You awaken, woven into the threads of all that is. Time is no longer linear but ripples that encompass you, gifting you sight to open windows and walk through doors without hesitation or worry of where each step will take you. You trust, even when it is unclear where you are going. Faith and hope are all that you carry now, with love guiding the way. 

Poem: The Water's Edge

The very tip of my toes touched the water, and a rush of every emotion coursed through me. Waves of clarity and confusion flowed together, like old friends who had known each other beyond time’s veil.

I looked inward at the mosaic of self: wonderful and mysterious, fearful and uncertain, yet courageous and brave. Pieces of my soul swirled in the moonlight, creating ripples in the water, drawing me deeper within. I choose now to surrender, floating in awe, finding harmony in the light and dark, my imperfections weaving into a perfect whole, whispering secrets of acceptance. Gentle waves of peace; contentment has blossomed.

Message from spirit | You’re the winning ticket.

You don’t need a wheel of fortune or a four-leaf clover to feel lucky. You are here, in this moment, experiencing the wonders of what is and what’s yet to come—a winning lottery ticket in itself. Do not overlook the power you have to create and fulfill your desires by wondering if they could be possible. Trust in knowing that they are.