Poem: True North

Patient and calm, I dwell in the embrace of wonder and awe, my dreams surfing and gliding through the ocean of my thoughts. No shadow of dusk can dim my vision, for everything I desire shines brightly as I gaze beyond the windowpane. Yet, here I wait, the hands of time resting gently on my shoulders, anchoring me in this moment. It’s not a cage but an infinite horizon, where my feet are free to wander, discover, and experience each flicker of light anew. Anchored yet liberated, I’m a soul adrift with no map to guide me, no roads to confine me—only a compass gently cradled in my hand, guided by my inner north star.

Message from Spirit | Inner Compass

Sometimes, we need to spend a little time alone with our thoughts and in solitude to gain clarity, navigate conflict, and gain wisdom while facing life’s challenges. Today’s message encourages you not to forget the lessons learned and all you’ve worked towards. There is a balance here of both the mind and of the heart, where the answers you seek come from within. This may sound like a broken record, but sometimes we all need a little reminder now and again to ask ourselves, “Are you listening to your inner wisdom, your intuition?” Trust it; it won’t let you down.

Spiritually Awakening? Wait, What?

Awakening to your spiritual journey? How much time do you have? I’m giggling because it’s one of my favorite topics, but I’ll keep it short. So, for me, I can laugh now and say that my spirit guides, my higher self, were like, “Girl, enough is enough. Let’s get this party started!”

What usually kickstarts an awakening can be a number of things like major life changes, the loss of a loved one, etc. It’s very personal because it’s your journey and yours alone, pushing you into questioning your purpose, your why, your choices... How do you know? Your intuition, for one. It’s like someone just flips a switch, and that inner voice starts shouting from the rooftops to trust your instincts and somehow you’re now tuned into a different frequency. You start experiencing synchronicities and wanting to connect with a higher purpose, and that’s just the beginning. My spirit guides shared a message that I’ve kept with me for years: “Your awakening, my love, does not come but once. This is the path of many roads, many mountains. What you seek has never been lost, but the length of your journey to discover this, my dear, is completely up to you.

Paving the way

Sometimes, the universe's most precious gift is when there are no obvious signs. As we navigate through life, it's important for us to learn to trust our inner compass, our intuition. It often means embracing uncertainty and stepping outside our comfort zones. Believe that within you, you have the power to build a solid foundation for designing your own path, knowing that you are supported and loved along the way. Have faith in your abilities to take bold steps forward, even when things feel unfamiliar or challenging. Remember, your future self believes in you to take the first steps, no matter how small. There is only one way to find out if it'll work, and that is to try.