They're just words. Step into your power.

Have you ever felt thrown off by just a few words someone said, unable to shake off their impact? It’s incredible, isn’t it, how much power words have over us? When you really think about it, it seems almost absurd that mere words have the ability to knock us down. Yesterday, I found myself caught up in the words “body frame” in the context of someone judging another by how they looked and struck a chord within me, triggering a boatload of emotions, mixed in with my own bucket of insecurities. But, it’s funny how much significance we attach to words, isn’t it?

In moments like this, it’s a great reminder to first and foremost remember that those words belong to someone else; they don’t define you. Take a moment to pause, to breathe, and try not to get caught up in someone else’s narrative. Tune into your feelings and reclaim your power. Step back into your own light and shine brightly, knowing that your worth is beyond any words spoken. Period.

A good negotiator

I’m a very good negotiator in my head when it comes to making excuses for why I’m not doing something or feeling a certain way about myself. And, as much as I could and should be kinder to myself, I also feel like sometimes a little tough love can go a long way. Motivational speaker; Mel Robbins often quotes, “No one is coming to save you.” Well, that’s a large dose of OUCH. But, damn, it’s true. Taking responsibility for our present life and future life, changing the way we think, and shifting the feels to rid of negative thinking... it takes work!

But if there is one thing I’ve learned along the way, it’s in breaking things down into doable steps, celebrating every little win along the way, and sharing my victories with those who lift me and support me. So, remember, recognizing and changing your thought patterns, creating action is a process. It’s a journey that requires practice, and where practicing it is key.

Morning Walk

The air was warm, carrying the perfumes of wild flowers and the scent of damp soil from last night's rain. They filled my being, serving as a reminder of my existence in this very moment of time and space. I stood there on the sidewalk, with not a person in sight, eyes closed, simply absorbing the energy that surrounded me. I could feel it swirling around, permeating my skin and filling the pores with a deep sense of gratitude and reverence—a tribute to who I am and my presence in this exquisite moment.