Manifesting 101: 3 important steps to help you get there.

Mastering the art of manifesting your desires involves three key elements: (1) releasing any limiting beliefs, (2) genuinely believing that your dreams will come true, and (3) embracing them into your reality with unwavering confidence. Not so hard, right?!

When circumstances don’t align as swiftly as we’d like, it simply means some aspects of this process may need a little more nurturing. The way divine timing works is incredibly precise, relying on our faith in the unknown rather than on timing. So, if you wholeheartedly believe, passionately feel, and trust without doubt in their arrival, then you can rest assured, you’re on the right path with nothing to fear or doubt.

I got you. It's okay to ask for help and support.

In the past, I’ve always been quite stubborn when it comes to asking for help or support, but over time, that has shifted, and I’ve been able to realize that it’s not only okay to ask for help or support but it’s actually healthier for me. So often, we look at leaning on another as a sign of weakness, that we aren’t being independent, or we don’t want to feel like a burden, etc., when in reality, asking for support can lead to a better state of mental health and can help forge more meaningful and lasting connections with others.

But how do we know who is best for our overall well-being and ‘the right people? You know I’m going to say first and foremost, trust your intuition. Ask yourself, do I feel comfortable, understood, and supported by this person? Seek others who can empathize, come from a place of non-judgment, communicate effectively and respectfully. I am a huge advocate for professional guidance, therapy, and coaching mentors in addition to seeking support from friendships that have your best interest at heart.

So, when it comes to asking for support or help, don’t look at it as giving up or your last resort, see it as an incredible strength within that says, ‘I am actually refusing to give up, and I’m worth it.’

A good negotiator

I’m a very good negotiator in my head when it comes to making excuses for why I’m not doing something or feeling a certain way about myself. And, as much as I could and should be kinder to myself, I also feel like sometimes a little tough love can go a long way. Motivational speaker; Mel Robbins often quotes, “No one is coming to save you.” Well, that’s a large dose of OUCH. But, damn, it’s true. Taking responsibility for our present life and future life, changing the way we think, and shifting the feels to rid of negative thinking... it takes work!

But if there is one thing I’ve learned along the way, it’s in breaking things down into doable steps, celebrating every little win along the way, and sharing my victories with those who lift me and support me. So, remember, recognizing and changing your thought patterns, creating action is a process. It’s a journey that requires practice, and where practicing it is key.

In the layers.

I have never been able to just simply 'see' the world around me in its natural state, like a tree or flower. Although I can appreciate and honor it for what it is, my mind often dwells in the layers, the seasons, and the memories it evokes. Yesterday, during my much-needed morning hike, I fell in love with how bright and green the algae was on top of the water, contrasting against the blue water and the darkness of the tree line. I feel a bit dorky and poetic when I write things like this, but it's true. And where did my mind go? To the artist Mark Rothko, known for his color field paintings, but also for the pain and suffering behind them. He once said that if you only see the colors, you're missing the point. Maybe that's why he has always been a favorite of mine.

Turning License Plates into 2024 Goals & Intentions

I can’t help but see signs in everything that passes my line of sight, especially if it is something out of the ordinary. This morning, on my drive home from visiting my daughter, I saw an out-of-state license plate that passed me with an abbreviation for the word "consistency," and I thought, “Are you trying to tell me something, spirit?” Laughing out loud as I plan my 2024 intentions, trying not to act like they’re goals, ha-ha, but they truly are, and if I’m being honest with myself, I’m grateful for them because life should never remain stagnant or be a repeat year of the same old, same old. I find within myself not knowing how I’m going to push myself this upcoming year—whether spiritually, mentally, or physically. It can get daunting, don’t you think?

As I reflect on the sign and the notion of consistency, I recognize the importance of incorporating this principle into the year ahead. My guides often speak in terms of small moves and baby steps, emphasizing that, regardless of how tiny, one's movement forward is progress. I believe we often place undue pressure on ourselves to achieve lofty goals within a short timeframe, when, in reality, it's about the journey, not the speed in which we get there.

So, on this lovely night of a full moon, December 26th, 2023, I’m going to work on my small yet achievable goals toward my grand wishes and desires without judgment or pressure, just pure love for the journey and excitement about any new adventures that come my way in the next 12 months ahead.

Wishing you all a most beautiful and wondrous New Year filled with small, meaningful steps toward your dreams.