Spiritually Awakening? Wait, What?

Awakening to your spiritual journey? How much time do you have? I’m giggling because it’s one of my favorite topics, but I’ll keep it short. So, for me, I can laugh now and say that my spirit guides, my higher self, were like, “Girl, enough is enough. Let’s get this party started!”

What usually kickstarts an awakening can be a number of things like major life changes, the loss of a loved one, etc. It’s very personal because it’s your journey and yours alone, pushing you into questioning your purpose, your why, your choices... How do you know? Your intuition, for one. It’s like someone just flips a switch, and that inner voice starts shouting from the rooftops to trust your instincts and somehow you’re now tuned into a different frequency. You start experiencing synchronicities and wanting to connect with a higher purpose, and that’s just the beginning. My spirit guides shared a message that I’ve kept with me for years: “Your awakening, my love, does not come but once. This is the path of many roads, many mountains. What you seek has never been lost, but the length of your journey to discover this, my dear, is completely up to you.

They're just words. Step into your power.

Have you ever felt thrown off by just a few words someone said, unable to shake off their impact? It’s incredible, isn’t it, how much power words have over us? When you really think about it, it seems almost absurd that mere words have the ability to knock us down. Yesterday, I found myself caught up in the words “body frame” in the context of someone judging another by how they looked and struck a chord within me, triggering a boatload of emotions, mixed in with my own bucket of insecurities. But, it’s funny how much significance we attach to words, isn’t it?

In moments like this, it’s a great reminder to first and foremost remember that those words belong to someone else; they don’t define you. Take a moment to pause, to breathe, and try not to get caught up in someone else’s narrative. Tune into your feelings and reclaim your power. Step back into your own light and shine brightly, knowing that your worth is beyond any words spoken. Period.

Ch Ch Ch Changes

You know that feeling you get when you accomplish something that you really didn’t want to do, but you totally forced yourself to do it anyway because you knew afterwards you’d feel AMAZING and so glad you did? It doesn’t matter what it is—THAT, my dear friend, is the energy you want to pull in—the memory and the feeling of how great you’ll feel after every time you doubt or procrastinate. Just watch how things start to positively change in your life. Remember, change cannot happen without creating changes.

Varying degrees

A gaze takes over my vision as my mind sits in all of the fog lifting in front of me. The heat of the pavement from the night before meets the coolness of the rain that has just passed over moments ago. We are all fleeting like that water vapor, warmth, coolness to varying degrees. We encounter the challenges and struggles as interference when, in reality, they are but changes in shifts within our energetic field, which move or stay like a rainy or sunny day. Here, in this moment of our life's story, I find solace in unraveling the true essence of my path, a rich tapestry woven with experiences, obstacles, and moments of profound clarity.