Poem: The Water's Edge

The very tip of my toes touched the water, and a rush of every emotion coursed through me. Waves of clarity and confusion flowed together, like old friends who had known each other beyond time’s veil.

I looked inward at the mosaic of self: wonderful and mysterious, fearful and uncertain, yet courageous and brave. Pieces of my soul swirled in the moonlight, creating ripples in the water, drawing me deeper within. I choose now to surrender, floating in awe, finding harmony in the light and dark, my imperfections weaving into a perfect whole, whispering secrets of acceptance. Gentle waves of peace; contentment has blossomed.

Message from spirit | You’re the winning ticket.

You don’t need a wheel of fortune or a four-leaf clover to feel lucky. You are here, in this moment, experiencing the wonders of what is and what’s yet to come—a winning lottery ticket in itself. Do not overlook the power you have to create and fulfill your desires by wondering if they could be possible. Trust in knowing that they are.

Message from spirit | Slow and steady wins the race. 

Slow down, dear one. The rush, the constant hustle—it serves no one when the candle barely flickers at both ends. Your energy is both precious and powerful, deserving of your undivided attention. Blend the whispers of your heart with the clarity of your mind and embrace the wisdom of creating more balance. Find your pace, not haste, for in it, you’ll discover the gentle strength to move forward with a greater rate of success. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Message from spirit | There is no need for more.

Your travels on this journey are your own, beautiful and winding. What lies beyond the trees does not matter; where would be the magic and mystery in knowing? Live in the pages of this very moment, redefining your happily ever after by falling in love simply, gently, by being of breath, of the senses. Take it all in. There is no need for more.

Message from spirit | Inner Work

The word ‘work’ is not just about the paycheck, and yes, having skills, dedicating your time, finding your passion, paying bills, etc., is important. But none of it will matter if you are not doing the ‘work’ on yourself first and how you interact and connect with others. These are the growth moments where momentum and forward movement matter most.

Remember, every aspect of the word ‘work’ should be a pathway to inner harmony and fulfillment, not a sacrifice that leads to burnout. Embrace it as a journey of growth and joy, creating balance, without masks, aligning with your true self in every area of your life and in every step of the way, and all the things you wish to be fulfilled will find their way to you without resistance.