The Page of Pentacles

A personal intuitive channeling connected to the energy of the Page of Pentacles in this moment of time.

The view of your journey no longer resides at the base of the mountain; rather, it emerges when you are able to see yourself standing at its majestic peak, embracing the vast and panoramic views that unfold before your eyes. In this moment, tranquility dwells within each breath you take as you find yourself harmonized, centered, and unburdened. No longer do you feel compelled to cast your gaze backward, retracing the arduous path you climbed, marked by blisters, exposure, and vulnerability. Such reminiscence does not serve your arrival, for your happiness now encompasses triumph and effortless grace. Your arrival at this pinnacle signifies not an end but a remarkable commencement—an extraordinary beginning that unfurls before you in a swirl of enchantment and wonder.

The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Source: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

9 of Pentacles

A personal intuitive channeling connected to the energy of the 9 of Pentacles Tarot Card in this moment of time.

I stood there on the grass, as soft as the warmth of a Sunday morning blanket, in a place where time stops, and the world becomes your choosing. 'You are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul,' a voice spills into my thoughts—gentle and calming, yet commanding me to act. And yet, all my thoughts are lost in my senses—the smells of the earth, dew on the leaves, the flowers' perfume—a garden in which I see dreams, beauty, love, and grace, where time does not matter. I dream a little more.

The strength and majesty of trees surround me with their magic. They stand tall and strong, with roots reaching out like fingers in the sand. I nestle beside them, cradled and protected. I am home.

The 9 of Pentacles Tarot Card Source: The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne

This day is for nothing, and nothing is enough.

The hand of time halts as I gaze down at my reflection on the water's surface. There is beauty there, in forgotten places, amidst the lurking shadows that creep between me and my mirror. Yet today, tranquility reigns, and I find solace in the embrace of my true self. A day to soar, light as a feather, having shed the chains and anchors of worry and disdain. No fret for what is, was, or will be. This day is for nothing, and nothing is enough.

Questions, Answers and Choices

Journal entry, recorded thoughts, channeled, working through a tough day: I found myself drowning in thoughts of despair, unkindness, and questioning my identity as a human. How could such thoughts cross my plain of existence? Is this truly who I am? Do I relish in my misery or swallow it like a pill, only to have it stuck in my throat, defying the wash of water? Choking on its presence, I choose treachery over peace, for there is no solace to be found. Panic engulfs me, and the world around me shall share in this scene of my making. I hold both the poisoned apple and the delectable fruit as equals, yet I struggle to determine which one to embrace. Why must such burdens be placed upon thee? Who is this tormentor that whispers in my ear such misery and disdain? I am of no significance, no pawn in a grander scheme to be dealt with. Who am I to be valued by the darkness when all I see is but a tear in a veil where a faint glimmer of light emerges? I dare not avert my gaze, for within that glimmer and its reflection, I find myself fixated on a calmer sea. It serves as a reminder of hope, of a profound love that, even in my darkest hours, illuminates my countenance, defining my very existence, as everything else fades away and the door opens.