The cost of fitting in & breaking old cycles
This morning, I found myself reflecting on a conversation I had the other day, where I tried to fit in by venting about a frustrating situation. In the moment, it felt easier to just let it all out—something we all do from time to time. But afterward, I couldn’t shake how I felt about my participation in the conversation. I didn’t like it. This wasn’t who I am.
While I understand that I’m human and deserving of grace, I also realized something profound: solutions often live in the world of acceptance. They emerge when we hit that internal pause button, especially when we find ourselves caught up in throwing more wood on the fire, instead of being the positive force of self-restraint, even in the smallest of moments.
Accepting a situation for what it is doesn’t mean giving up or ignoring your feelings. It means recognizing that some things are beyond our control and choosing how we respond to them. When we do that, we shift from reacting to reflecting, creating space for clarity and growth.
This moment reminded me that my self-awareness is truly a gift. Even when we stumble, each realization brings us closer to our best selves, and I’m so grateful for it. Growth doesn’t mean perfection—it means choosing to learn and move forward, one step at a time.